MICRONET – Micronation Global Radio Network

[audioalbum title=”The Album Title” detail=”Some other Details” date=”2022″] [audiotrack title=”Song One” songwriter=”credit” mp3=”https://ia801602.us.archive.org/5/items/Dragnet_OTR/Dragnet_49-06-10_ep002_Homicide.mp3″] [audiotrack title=”Song Two” songwriter=”credit” mp3=”https://archive.org/details/Dragnet_OTR/Dragnet_49-06-10_ep002_Homicide.mp3″]

We are building a Global Radio Network using Zello, the highest rated 100% FREE push-to-talk app. Zello is already connecting over 150 Million users globally. It will now be empowering Micronations with instant and crystal-clear voice messaging, using RoIP (Radio over Internet Protocol).

Zello works on Android Phones, Apple Phones, Windows PCs and Laptops, and Zello Radios.

How to join?

Once you have installed Zello Click The Join Now Button or Scan the QR Code.

Once you have setup Zillo to use MICRONET we will authorize you to talk with others on the system. Please check your email once you have joined. Once approved by our Radio Network Admin, we will assign you a Call Sign. Please place this next to your Zello Name. Example: John Smith – M383, where John Smith is your name, and M383 is your call sign.

Respecting Others

No matter who you’re talking to or what kind of channel you’re in, it’s important to be respectful above all else. Listen to others and value their opinions. You can do this by being empathetic and constructive with your responses. It is also important to foster an inclusive environment. This will be the best way to ensure that everyone feels confident speaking up and contributing to conversations. Try asking questions when you are unsure of things, and choose your words carefully so as not to offend anyone.

Basic Radio Etiquette

When joining a radio network you should understand the rules that network has that dictate how to behave on the network. These rules can be posted in a guide or on the terms of that networks site. Some common rules include using radio lingo, and keeping your communication short and to the point. Following these guidelines will allow the radio network to run smoothly and make sure everyone is comfortable on the radio network.
